A. I. T.e.S. P. Associazione Italiana per le Terapie Somatiche in Psichiatria
L’Associazione ha sede in Roma attualmente in Via Crescenzio 42
A. I. T.e.S. P. è un associazione costituita da psichiatri, neurologi, psicologi, ricercatori ed altri con un interesse speciale alle terapie di Brain Stimulation in Psichiatria.     Lo scopo dell’Associazione è di raccogliere, promuovere e diffondere le conoscenze scientifiche sulle terapie di Brain Stimulation. In particolare promuovere:
1) tutte le iniziative atte a ristabilire presso il mondo medico, le autorità competenti e l’opinione pubblica le reali conoscenze scientifiche sulla sicurezza, l’efficacia e il valore etico delle terapie di Brain Stimulation nella terapia di molti disturbi psichici.
2) la creazione presso i reparti psichiatrici delle Università e delle ASL di un numero di servizi di Brain Stimulation sufficienti per i pazienti che ne hanno bisogno.
3) tutte le iniziative atte a migliorare le conoscenze degli psichiatri sulle indicazioni cliniche e le modalità di somministrazione delle terapie di Brain Stimulation. A tale scopo organizzerà corsi di studio teorici e pratici, convegni e curerà direttamente pubblicazioni sull’argomento.
4) attività di ricerca sulle indicazioni cliniche, le modalità di somministrazione e il meccanismo d’azione delle terapie di Brain Stimulation e di comparazione con altre terapie applicate oggi per gli stessi disturbi psichici.
5) indagini sulla diffusione e le modalità di applicazione della terapie di Brain Stimulation in Italia e confronto con simili indagini di altri paesi europei ed extraeuropei.
6) collaborazioni con altre Società e Associazioni scientifiche internazionali dedicate allo studio delle terapie di Brain Stimulation e con Società Psichiatriche italiane.
7) attività di consulenza per istituzioni politiche nazionali e locali deputate alla legislazione ed al controllo in materia di assistenza psichiatrica.
8) attività di consulenza per Comitati Etici e per Ordini dei Medici su eventuali problematiche deontologiche o medico-legali associate all’uso delle terapie di Brain Stimulation.
9) il rapporto con associazioni di pazienti e di familiari per una migliore informazione
10) creazione di un sito web dedicato alla divulgazione  dell’aggiornamento e del dibattito sulle terapie di Brain Stimulation in Psichiatria.
11) elargizione di borse di studio per la ricerca sulle terapie di Brain Stimulation in Psichiatria. 
L’AITeSP non ha fini di lucro e opererà esclusivamente per fini scientifici e di pratica medica. L’Associazione è tassativamente apolitica.

Le fonti di finanziamento dell’Associazione sono: a) le quote associative b) i contributi straordinari degli associati c) le elargizioni ed i contributi di Enti ed altre associazioni sia pubbliche sia private, sia italiane sia estere. d) Donazioni, oblazioni, lasciti ed ogni altra entrata di qualsiasi natura

Verbale dell'assemblea ordinaria dei soci del 13/04/2013

In questo giorno 13 del mese di aprile dell'anno 2013, alle ore 10.00 presso il Centro Lucio Bini, sito in Roma, via Crescenzio 42, si sono riuniti i soci dell'Associazione “A.I.T.E.C.-Associazione Italiana per la Terapia Elettroconvulsivante”, per discutere e deliberare sul seguente

Ordine del giorno

  1. Rinnovo delle cariche sociali e proposta di affiliazione alla Società Italiana di Psichiatria 
  2. Modifica del nome della associazione
  3. Varie ed eventuali

Sono presenti i soci: Giuseppe Bersani, Marco Bortolomasi, Giuseppe Fazzari, Alexia Koukopoulos, Giovanni Manfredi, Ciro Marangoni, Piepaolo Medda, Giampaolo Minnai, Francesca Pacitti, Giancarlo Peana, Giulio Perugi, Michele Raja, Piergiorgio Salis, Gabriele Sani. 

Sono presenti con delega i soci: Athanasios Koukopoulos (delega Sani), Alessandro Rossi (delega Pacitti), Giovanni Battista Cassano (delega Perugi), Roberto Milani (delega Fazzari), Icro Maremmani (delega Perugi), Cristina Toni (delega Perugi), Giuseppa Drago Ferrante (delega), Maria Caredda (delega Pacitti), Andreas Erfurth (delega Perugi), Dolorosa Foggia (delega), Giancarlo Giupponi (delega), Oliviero Benzoni (delega Fazzari), Giuseppe Tropeano (delega), Francesco Toccafondi (delega Minnai), Roberto Delle Chiaie (delega Pacitti), Elisabetta Muntoni (delega Minnai), Marco Murtas (delega Minnai), Luciano Conti (delega Perugi), Ugo Lancia (delega Peana), Stefano Nassini (delega Fazzari), Mariella Bonetta (delega Fazzari), Sandra Ramacciotti (delega Fazzari), Carola Ramelli (delega Sani), Pierfranco Trincas (delega Minnai), Paolo Pili (delega Minnai), Roger Pycha (delega Fazzari), Leonardo Tondo (delega Sani), Carlo Andrea Robotti (delega Fazzari), Rosa Maria Sollazzo (delega Sani), Daniela Reginaldi (delega Koukopoulos).

Assume la presidenza dell'assemblea, il Presidente dell'associazione Giuseppe Bersani, il quale 

preso atto

  • della regolarità della convocazione;
  • che sono presenti numero 43 soci, in proprio o per delega;
  • che sono presenti numero 7 componenti il Consiglio Direttivo


validamente costituita l'Assemblea e invita la stessa alla nomina del Segretario.
Udito quanto sopra, l'Assemblea, all'unanimità, chiama il socio Ciro Marangoni, che accetta, a fungere da segretario.

Il presidente Bersani apre la seduta e dà la parola al vicepresidente Fazzari per la discussione del primo punto dell'odg.

Il vice-presidente Fazzari afferma che la necessità di rinnovare le cariche sociali si debba non solo alla scadenza naturale delle stesse, ma anche al fatto che la nostra associazione abbia richiesto ufficialmente l'affiliazione alla SIP (Società Italiana di Psichiatria). Il criterio principale per l'affiliazione è che esista una analoga sezione presso l'American Psychiatric Association o il Royal College of Psychiatrists. I colleghi dell'APA e della RCPsych hanno ufficialmente confermato l'esistenza di tali sezioni scientifiche, per cui il vice-presidente Fazzari ha proceduto alla richiesta di affiliazione alla SIP, sentito il parere preliminare positivo del presidente della SIP Claudio Mencacci. L'affiliazione alla SIP prevede una modifica degli organi direttivi della associazione nel seguente modo:

  • Presidente (universitario)
  • Presidente eletto (ospedaliero)
  • Presidente Onorario
  • Comitato Scientifico
  • Vice-Presidenti (1 ospedaliero, 1 universitario)
  • Segretario Generale
  • Tesoriere
  • Coordinatore delle Sezioni Regionali
  • Consiglieri
  • Delegato SIP
  • Revisori dei Conti
  • Segretari Regionali

Il vice-presidente Fazzari propone le seguenti persone:

  • Presidente: Paolo Girardi (Ordinario di Psichiatria Università La Sapienza - Roma)
  • Presidente eletto: Giuseppe Fazzari (Primario di Psichiatria Spedali Civili Brescia - Montichiari)
  • Presidente Onorario: Athanasios Koukopoulos (Centro Lucio Bini - Roma)
  • Comitato Scientifico: Alfredo Carlo Altamura (Ordinario di Psichiatria Università Statale di Milano), Tom Bolwig (Professore di Psichiatria Università di Copenhagen - Danimarca), Giovanni Battista Cassano (Ordinario f.r. di Psichiatria Università di Pisa), Andreas Erfurth (Professore di Psichiatria Università di Vienna - Austria), Gabor Gazdag (Professore di Psichiatria Università Semmeweis – Budapest Ungheria), Giovanni Muscettola (Ordinario di Psichiatria Università Federico II – Napoli), Mario Maj (Ordinario di Psichiatria Seconda Università di Napoli), Luca Pani (Direttore Generale AIFA), Giulio Perugi (Ricercatore in Psichiatria Università di Pisa), Alessandro Rossi (Ordinario di Psichiatria Università dell'Aquila), Ian Reid (Professore di Psichiatria Università di Aberdeen – Scozia), Gianfranco Spalletta (IRCCS Santa Lucia – Roma), Leonardo Tondo (Centro Lucio Bini - Cagliari),
  • Vice-Presidenti: Giuseppe Bersani (Ricercatore in Psichiatria Università La Sapienza - Roma), Andreas Conca (Primario di Psichiatria Ospedale di Bolzano)
  • Segretario Generale: Gabriele Sani (Ricercatore in Psichiatria Università La Sapienza - Roma)
  • Tesoriere: Giovanni Manfredi (Dirigente Medico Psichiatra Ospedale Sant'Andrea - Roma)
  • Coordinatore delle Sezioni Regionali: da individuare successivamente
  • Consiglieri: Oliviero Benzoni (Dirigente Medico Psichiatra Spedali Civili Brescia - Montichiari), Marco Bortolomasi (Psichiatra Casa di Cura Villa Chiara - Verona), Alexia Koukopoulos (Psichiatra Centro Lucio Bini - Roma), Ciro Marangoni (Medico specializzando in Psichiatria Università di Bologna), Piepaolo Medda (Dirigente Medico Psichiatra Ospedale Santa Chiara Pisa), Giampaolo Minnai (Primario di Psichiatria Ospedale di Oristano), Francesca Pacitti (Ricercatrice in Psichiatria – Università dell'Aquila), Giancarlo Peana (Primario Casa di Cura S. Valentino - Roma), Michele Raja (Psichiatra - Roma), Daniela Reginaldi (Psichiatra Centro Lucio Bini – Roma), Piergiorgio Salis (Dirigente Medico Psichiatra Ospedale di Oristano).
  • Delegato SIP: Guido Di Sciascio (Dirigente Medico Psichiatra Policlinico di Bari)
  • Revisore dei conti: Umberto Volpe (Ricercatore in Psichiatria Seconda Università di Napoli)
  • Segretari Regionali: propongo Piergiorgio Salis (Sardegna), Francesca Pacitti (Abruzzo), Pierpaolo Medda (Toscana), Giancarlo Peana (Lazio), Marco Bortolomasi (Veneto), Oliviero Benzoni (Lombardia), Roger Pycha (Trentino Alto Adige), Guido Di Sciascio (Puglia), Umberto Volpe (Campania). I rappresentati delle restanti regioni sono ancora da individuare.

Inoltre è da chiarire se l'affiliazione alla SIP richieda un cambio di ragione sociale da associazione a società. Andrà consultato personalmente il presidente Mencacci per avere la conferma di ciò. 

Il vice-presidente Fazzari propone inoltre che i soci Bersani, Conca, Perugi, e Tondo svolgano il ruolo di coordinatori scientifici della società e ritiene che sia importante che la nostra associazione identifichi al suo interno alcuni centri di formazione per la pratica della TEC e che ognuno dei soci sia disponibile a svolgere attività di consulenza sulla TEC ai colleghi meno esperti su tutto il territorio nazionale (ciò dovrebbe essere sostenuto grazie alle sezioni regionali).

I soci Bortolomasi e Raja condividono l'importanza della formazione e della ricerca nel campo della TEC proponendo l'istituzione di seminari clinici da svolgersi periodicamente, la raccolta di dati clinici e biologici da convogliare in un registro nazionale dei pazienti trattati con la TEC presso tutti i centri accreditati.

L'assemblea approva all'unanimità le proposte effettuate dal vice-presidente Fazzari. 

Viene discusso il secondo punto all'odg.

Il vice-presidente Fazzari propone di cambiare il nome della associazione in “S.I.T.E.C.-Società Italiana per la Terapia Elettroconvulsivante” e di utilizzare come logo l'immagine della Clinica delle Malattie Nervose e Mentali dell'Università di Roma.
Il socio Perugi propone di intitolare la società non alla terapia elettroconvulsivante ma alle terapia stimolatorie cerebrali. 
Il socio Raja, il vice-presidente Fazzari e il presidente Bersani ritengono invece che si debba rimanere specifici sulla TEC altrimenti vi sarebbe il rischio di perdere la propria identità non solo clinica ma anche storica e di essere facilmente inglobati dai neurologi che si occupano di TMS, DBS ma non si sono mai occupati di TEC.
Il vice-presidente Fazzari propone il nome “A.I.Te.S.P.-Associazione Italiana per le Terapie Somatiche in Psichiatria”. 
L'assemblea approva all'unanimità il nuovo nome della associazione.

Si discute il terzo punto all'odg.

Viene dato mandato al socio Pacitti di occuparsi del rinnovamento grafico del sito web della associazione. 

Viene dato mandato ai soci Sani e Manfredi di occuparsi del conto corrente della associazione e della situazione patrimoniale attuale.

Il socio Perugi propone che i soci presenti versino cadauno euro 250 sul conto corrente della associazione come finanziamento per iniziare le attività.

L'assemblea approva all'unanimità i mandati ai soci Pacitti, Sani e Manfredi e si riserva di decidere successivamente l'ammontare della quota associativa una volta definite la situazione patrimoniale attuale e le spese necessarie alla gestione della associazione. 

Non essendovi altro su cui deliberare, l'assemblea viene tolta alle ore 12.00 previa stesura, lettura e approvazione del presente verbale. 

Il Presidente                                                                 Il Segretario
Giuseppe Bersani                                                        Ciro Marangoni




Association domiciled in ???

1.   Name, Domicile and Purpose

1.1.         Under the name World Federation of ECT Societies (hereafter called the "Federation") there exists an Association pursuant to Art. 60 et seq. of the Swiss Civil Code with domicile in Zurich[ .

1.2.         The purpose of the Federation is to promote, across the globe, education and the attainment of the highest levels of knowledge, understanding and best practice in the field of electroconvulsive therapy (ECT). The activities of the Federation itself shall be wholly non-profit making in nature. Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is defined as being all forms of induced convulsions, administered under medically supervised conditions, including general anaesthesia, for the purpose of treating neuropsychiatric disorders. Research studies may be pursued in preclinical or clinical models and be of experimental, clinical, translational or applied nature.

1.3.         To that end, but without restricting the foregoing main object of the Federation and in so far as the same shall be wholly charitable, the Federation intends:

1.3.1.     To foster and encourage education, quality of care and research in the field of ECT and related convulsive treatments.

1.3.2.     To improve the quality of knowledge and skills of the professions dealing with these therapies.

1.3.3.     To supply information to, to operate with and to advise, through its committees, any society, institution, or individual interested in matters related to convulsive therapies.

1.3.4.     To establish and maintain an efficient collaboration with global learned societies, governmental organisations, professional associations and other groups, societies, institutions and individuals who contribute to progress in the field of ECT.

2.   Means

The means of attaining these ends shall consist more particularly of:

2.1.         Organising a biennial World Congress on ECT to be held in one of the countries represented in membership of the Federation. The World Congress on ECT will be associated with larger international conferences to facilitate attendance.

2.2.         Appointing special Committees, Commissions, groups or individuals for the purpose of studying all challenges related to the aims of the Federation.

2.3.         Fostering and facilitating in all countries the proper methods of study and means for action, of meeting and of exchange of ideas, concerning progress attained in ECT.

2.4.         Disseminating information through the journal and books published under the control of Member National Societies of ECT and associated websites.

2.5.         Making known its activities as well as those of Congresses and national or regional meetings and those of its Committees by all appropriate means and, in particular, through the medium its official publications, the Journal of ECT[A3] .

2.6.         Collaborating with other national and international institutions in so far as they endeavour to improve human health in the field of ECT.

2.7.         Promoting knowledge of ECT and related convulsive therapies in the general public through accessible media sources to raise awareness, provide comprehensive education and reduce stigma.

3.   Membership

3.1.         The Federation is an association composed of National or Regional Societies, or groups of Societies of ECT. Member Societies other than charter members shall be those Societies whose applications for membership have been accepted by majority vote of the Council.

3.2.         To permit participation in the Federation by qualified individuals residing in a country without a National Society of ECT registered in the Federation, an Individual Membership Section is established. The Individual Membership Section shall have the status of a single member society with respect to privileges of voting and representation on Committees or Commissions. The Section will need to nominate and elect a representative to act as a spokesperson for it in its dealings with the Federation.

3.3.         Application for the Society membership must be made in writing to the President and be accompanied by a list of the current officers and members of the Society and by a copy of its Constitution.

3.4.         Application for membership in the Individual Membership Section must be made in writing to the Secretary-Treasurer, accompanied by an up-to-date Curriculum Vitae.  Such applications shall be reviewed by an Individual Membership Credentials Committee appointed by the President.

3.5.         Maintenance of the privileges of membership, including voting rights, requires regular payment of dues, as described under Article 12.

3.6.         Any person who has rendered important service to the Federation may be appointed Honorary Fellow by a two-thirds majority vote of the General Assembly.

4.   Organisation

4.1.         The Federation has the following executive bodies:
-       The General Assembly
-       The Council, consisting of
- the Executive Committee and
- one Delegate from each of the Member Societies and the Individual Membership Section
-    The Auditors

4.2.        The General Assembly

4.2.1.     The General Assembly is composed of the Honorary Presidents, the Council, the members of Special Committees and of the current Executive Committee and one officer or their specified alternate of each Member Society and of the Individual Membership Section. The Secretary of each Society must submit a written list of these Officers and alternates in advance to the Secretary-Treasurer of the Federation. The President of the Federation is the Chairperson of the General Assembly.

4.2.2.     When a Member Society cannot be represented in the Assembly by its delegate, a Delegate from another Society upon prior written request to the Secretary-Treasurer and approval by Council may cast its votes.

4.2.3.     The Ordinary General Assembly is held at the place and date fixed for the session of the World Congress.

4.2.4.     The General Assembly shall be convened by the Executive Committee. Notice shall be given at least 20 days prior to the meeting in writing stating the agenda.

4.2.5.     Extraordinary meetings shall be called according to necessity or if so requested in writing by at least 30% of the members stating the purpose of such meeting.

4.2.6.     All those registered at the World Congress may attend the General Assembly, but only the official members of the Assembly may speak and vote. Exceptionally, the Chairperson of the General Assembly may invite a non-member of the Assembly to speak.

4.2.7.     There is a quorum of the General Assembly if 30% of the total of the Member Societies is represented either in person or via videoconferencing.

4.2.8.     The voting power of the Member Societies is as follows:

≤10 members:                                    1 vote
11-20 members:        2 votes
21-40 members:                3 votes
41-80 members:                        4 votes
81 or more members:        5 votes

4.2.9.     The General Assembly elects the President, the Vice-President, the Secretary-Treasurer, and the associate Secretary-Treasurer. The candidates are initially nominated by the Nomination Committee and approved by the Council. The Chairman of the General Assembly may ask the Assembly for nominations of additional candidates before nominations are closed and voting takes place.

4.2.10.  The General Assembly approves the accounts and decides on the use of the financial result.

4.2.11.  The General Assembly determines the membership dues pursuant to Article 12.

4.2.12.  The General Assembly passes resolutions and carries out elections, to the extent this Constitution or the law do not provide otherwise with the absolute majority of the votes cast. A two-thirds majority of the votes represented is required for the election of an Honorary Fellow, for the amendment of the Constitution, for amalgamation or dissolution of the Federation. If the votes are equal, the Chairperson shall have the deciding vote.

4.3.        The Council

4.3.1.     The Council is composed of the Executive Committee, together with one Delegate from each of the Member Societies and the Individual Membership Section. 

4.3.2.     The Council meets at the same place and immediately before the General Assembly. It may also conduct its business by postal ballot or e-mail if a member of the Council raises no objection.

4.3.3.     For the Council meeting before the General Assembly or such other meetings of Council called officially, the name of the Delegate or an alternate for his/her absence shall be submitted in advance to the Secretary-Treasurer of the Federation.

4.3.4.     There is a quorum of the Council if one member of each of one third of the Member Societies together with the President and the Secretary-Treasurer, or their specified deputies, and one other Executive Officer are present.

4.3.5.     Each member (including the Chairperson) of the Council has one vote. The Council passes resolutions, to the extent the law or the Constitution do not provide otherwise with the absolute majority of the members present.

4.3.6.     A three quarters majority of the member of the Council present is required for the exclusion of a Member Society from the Federation.

4.4.        The Executive Committee

4.4.1.     The Executive Committee is composed of the President, immediate Past-President, the Vice-President, the Secretary-Treasurer, and the Associate Secretary-Treasurer. The Executive Committee directs the Federation in its widest context and ensures its sound and regular operation.  It ensures implementation, checking and coordination of the Federation’s strategic plans.

4.4.2.     The President presides over, organises and directs the Executive Committee. In this capacity, in particular (s)he decides the agenda and the proposals to be discussed by the Committee, chairs the General Assembly meeting, and holds the casting vote in the event of a tie. 

The Vice-President supports the role of the President and can deputise for the President.

The Secretary-Treasurer is the chief administration officer of the Federation and is responsible for providing a communication link between all its members, organising meetings, preparing and issuing minutes and supporting paperwork, and maintaining a register of members’ names and contact details. (S)he is also the chief financial manager of the Federation and is responsible for monetary transactions and financial records, and prepares an annual budget report.

The Associate Secretary-Treasurer supports the role of the Secretary-Treasurer and can deputise for the Secretary-Treasurer.

4.4.3.     The Executive Committee may hold meetings at any time and in any place, that may be convenient to its members; it may conduct its business by postal ballot or e-mail if no objection is raised by a member. It shall have full power to formulate by-laws not in conflict with the Constitution subject to ratification by the Council.

4.4.4.     There is a quorum of the Executive Committee if the President and the Secretary-Treasurer, or their deputies, and one other member, totalling at least 3 members, are present.

4.4.5.     Each member (including the President) of the Executive Committee has one vote. The Executive Committee passes resolutions, to the extent the law or the Constitution do not provide otherwise with the absolute majority of the members present.

4.5.         The Auditors

The Auditors shall audit the books and records. The Auditors shall prepare a report in writing addressed to the Council, which in turn presents such report to the General Assembly. Only Certified Public Accountants can be appointed as Auditors. Six months before each meeting an independent professional audit is to be requested for presentation to the Executive Committee and the General Assembly.  The Auditors should be appointed by the Executive Committee.

5.   Terms of Office

5.1.         Honorary Fellows are elected without term by a two-thirds majority vote of the General Assembly. They have no voting powers.

5.2.         Past Presidents are entitled Honorary Presidents without term. Only the immediate Past President is an Executive Officer of the Federation. In the event of the prolonged incapacity or death of the President, the First Vice-President assumes his/her office and duties for the remainder of the fiscal period.

5.3.         The term of office of the President, the Vice-President, the Secretary-Treasurer, and the associate Secretary-Treasurer is the fiscal period. They are ineligible [A4] for re-election in the same office.

5.4.         Each delegate is appointed by his/her Member Society to represent his/her group in the affairs of the Council. In the absence of a Delegate from the meeting of Council, an alternate shall be appointed by the Member Society or by the Individual Membership Section for the duration of the meeting. The name of the Delegate shall be forwarded on his appointment and annually thereafter to Secretary-Treasurer of the Federation.

6.   Fiscal Period

6.1.         The fiscal period is a four year period, and its beginning and end shall coincide with the World Congress General Assembly. It defines the term of the Executive Committee and of its members, the term of the Council and all Special Commissions and Committees.

6.2.         If, for any reason, a World Congresses is held two years or less after the preceding Congress, all the above mentioned shall remain in office until the next following Congress. Any period from one Congress to the next or more than four years constitutes the fiscal period. In no case shall the fiscal period exceed five years.

7.   Special Commissions

The Executive Committee, or the Council or the General Assembly may set up Special Commissions, each to develop a special task for a specific period of time. As many members as required to complete the task will be appointed to each Special Commission and one member will be designated as Chairperson.

8.   Nomination Committee

8.1.         Not less than one year before the end of the fiscal period, the Executive Committee shall elect three delegates to serve as a Nomination Committee under the chairmanship of the immediate Past President.

8.2.         This Nomination Committee shall invite nominations from the members of the Council who may each consult with their parent Societies or the Individual Membership Section for the offices of President, Vice-President, Secretary-Treasurer and Associate Secretary-Treasurer of the Federation. The Executive Committee may decide the number of candidates to be nominated for each of the four Officer posts but there should never be less than two for each position. Having ascertained the willingness of the candidates to serve and following approval of the nominations by Council, the Chairperson of the Nomination Committee shall submit their names to the vote of the General Assembly. The Secretary-Treasurer shall supervise the ballot in the Assembly and record the results.

9.   Congresses

9.1.         Not less than three years before the end of the fiscal period an Organisation Committee of the World Congress shall be set up for the purpose of organising all aspects of the next World Congress.

9.2.         This Committee shall be formed initially from four appointees by the National Society in charge of the Congress who shall act as Convenor, Secretary, Associate Secretary, and Treasurer of the Congress. The President of the Federation has the option of being Chairperson of the Organisation Committee.

9.3.         After preliminary discussion, sub-committees to conduct the different affairs of the Congress shall be set up and the Chairperson of each sub-committee shall ex-officio become a member of the Organisation Committee. Other persons may be co-opted as members at the discretion of the Committee.

9.4.         Not less than two years before the end of the fiscal period, the National Society in charge of the Congress shall be asked to recommend for appointment of one or more Honorary Presidents of World Congress, one may be the Convenor.

9.5.         Not less than two years before the date of the Congress, the general plan of the Congress, including a proposed budget shall be submitted by the Organisation Committee to the Executive Committee of the Federation for ratification in principle. This plan shall include a budget and an indication of the support and assistance required from the Secretariat of the Federation. It is to be understood that the host National Society assumes the basic responsibility for funding the Congress, including organising and paying for a meeting room and facilities to hold the meeting.

10.                 Constitution and Special Committees

10.1.      At the beginning of the fiscal period, a Constitution Committee of five members shall be set up by the Executive Committee. The Constitution Committee shall constantly review the Statutes and by-laws and make recommendations if necessary for their amendment to the Executive Committee. The President may refer questions regarding the interpretation of the existing Constitution and by-laws to the Constitution Committee and request a recommendation to the Executive Committee. The final decision rests with the Executive Committee.

10.2.      Special Committees may be appointed by the President of the Federation and ratified by the Executive Committee. A Special Committee may act through representatives duly appointed. The Chairpersons of the Special Committees are directly linked to the Executive Committee. The Chairperson will be a member of the Council and will advise it of the interests of this specialty; the other members of the Special Committees, as well the Chairmen, are members of the General Assembly.

11.                 Languages

The official language of the Federation shall be English.

12.                 Finances

12.1.      For the accomplishment of its purpose the Federation disposes of the membership dues and other contribution of third parties[A5] .

12.2.      For all obligations of the Federation only the Federation’s property is liable. Any personal liability of the members is excluded.

12.3.      Each Member Society shall pay to the Federation an annual subscription, the amount of which shall be determined by the General Assembly. The amount of such subscription shall be proportionate to the number of members of each Society and shall be payable in advance to the Secretary-Treasurer until the last day of March. A Society may, having regard to the variable structure of Societies from one country to another, contest the number of its members ranking for assessment.

12.4.      Members of the Individual Membership Section will pay annual dues at a level determined by the General Assembly. They will be billed individually by the Secretary-Treasurer.

12.5.      The Executive Committee shall determine all matters of finance, such as the site of the Treasury and the making of grants and loans.

12.6.      The Federation shall have the right to accept and administer gifts, legacies, movable or immovable properties, donations and assets of any kind without any restrictions as to amount or value.

12.7.      The assets of the Federation shall be used for its own operation, for payment of its assessments to any international body with which it may be affiliated and in a general way to provide for the attainment of its purposes. Any excess shall be deposited in the Treasury of the Federation.

12.8.      No portion of the assets of the Federation shall be paid, directly or indirectly, to any Member Society or Officer of the Federation, except for reasonable payment for services actually rendered or repayment of expenses incurred in the interests of the Federation.

12.9.      The Secretary-Treasurer shall keep proper books and records of account.

13.                 Dissolution of Federation

13.1.      The Federation may be dissolved or may be amalgamated with another body having similar objects on the proposal of the Executive Committee, ratified by a two-thirds majority vote of the General Assembly.

13.2.      In the event of its dissolution, the assets of the Federation may not be divided among its members and shall be transferred to another international body or bodies of like interests.

13.3.      In the event of annulment or cessation of its present purpose, the assets of the Federation may not be distributed among its members but shall be assigned to another international body or bodies or like interests, which must use the assets exceptionally and directly for welfare purposes.

13.4.      In the event of dissolution of the Federation, the members are not entitled to the Federation's assets.

14.                 Final Provisions

14.1.      The present Constitution was approved by the Incorporation Meeting of the Federation in Zurich on March 6, 2001.

In the name and with proxy of the Founders:

 [A1]This will need to be decided. 

 [A2]This is just for example and will need to be decided.


 [A4]Should this be indefinite to allow and encourage others to be in office?

 [A5]BV -What is meant by ‘other contribution’ and ‘third parties’. These should be well described. I propose also to mention that industrial or pharmaceutical financial contributions should not be accepted.

 [A6]This is just for example.

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